
VIN Entry To RAV - Finalised Fitment

May 12, 2022

In line with RVS legislation, we have adjusted an aspect of Tough Dog GVM upgrades to ensure compliance is met.

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Difference Between Ram 1500 DS and DT

May 12, 2022

At the moment, the GVM upgrade for a RAM 1500 Series is only available for the DS version.

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Introduction to RSVA

Nov 01, 2021

Introducing a system of Federal Compliance and Certification for all new (pre-registration) vehicles in Australia.

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Adding Staff To Portal Account

Oct 18, 2021

This bulletin will assist you to add other staff members to your Tough Dog Dealer Portal

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Weekend Getaway - Turon National Park

Jun 02, 2021

Located just 3 hours out of Sydney, Turon National Park offers an array of options which will guarantee the excitement of any red-blooded 4 wheel driver.

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Tough Dog Fleet Advantage

Sep 24, 2020

Following our success so far this year, we’re pleased to announce a new area of focus for Tough Dog in Fleet, Mining, & Corporate suspension supply and service.

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